boys and girls

Dear boy,

You were taught that you’d die without a woman

To take care of you

Good boy

Hold everything inside

Until you are ready to burst

Burst from all the anger inside

Don’t let your weakness show

Because you’re a man

And men don’t show their weakness

Be strong

Stay silent sweet boy

Even though chasing all those dollar bills

Makes you want to break down and cry

You were taught that the money that you make

Is your value in the world

Put your head up boy

And follow your heart

You don’t need anyone to hold your hand

And you don’t need to chase that paper

Do what you love

And the one who is yours will find you

And love you for you

Not for all that money in your bank account

And speak up when it hurts

You deserve it, boy

To share your every hurt and fear and emotion inside

You’re everything

Bright as the stars in the sky

Don’t forget to live with your heart in this life

Dear girl,

Once upon a time

You were taught that a man would complete your life

You were taught to stay quiet

And meek and humble

And be a good girl

Don’t express those loud angry opinions

Stay silent

And be a good girl

Listen to mom and listen to daddy

Get good grades

Don’t ask for more than you have

Be grateful and kind

Respectful and earnest

Humble and sweet and carry all the burdens

If your husband is lazy

And he doesn’t treat you kind

At least you’re not single

Alone for the ride

You have kids and kids to take care of

They’ll give you meaning

Oh beautiful girl

You’re more than you’ve been seeing

You exist as more than life itself

You are the divine

Meant to stand loud proud and high

Demand what you deserve

Don’t lower your voice

Because the one for you

Would never ask that of you