Hard Worker

Hard worker

Look at me. I am such a hard worker.
I work 12 hours a day, sometimes more
Look at me – I can barely sleep at night

I hate my job
But I am a hard worker
The stress is practically causing my body
To not respond anymore

I have no time for friends or family
Missed a birthday or two
The games – yeah, maybe a few
Because I am such a hard worker
I just got a promotion
More money for me
More time to spend in the office
Worried about more problems
For a company
That keeps me tied to this desk

That brings me satisfaction
But a lot of pain
My boss yells at me
Since someone yells at her
Energy like a needle in this place

Look at me
I am such a hard worker
A hard working American
Look at all my success
My money
I live at my desk
No time for much else but work
But look at me
Look how grand this is
Left my passion behind

Then when I die
I can say
Look how hard I worked
And all this paper I made
Look at all the love I put second
My art, my body, my family,
My plants, nature…
But that’s okay
Because of the paper

It keeps me safe
That’s what they say
I hurt some loved ones
Along the way
From all the stress each day
Sure my body took a toll
But look how hard I work!
Envy me!
Look at my car
In exchange for my soul
My job gave it to me

Now I go to the grave
With nothing but a lot of hours
Working really really hard
With less love by my side
And fewer memories to recall
Look how hard I worked though
Lucky, lucky American