
If you really look at the people in front of you… you’ll notice something that you didn’t see before. You’ll notice that in that person’s eyes there is a whole world inside of them. Almost like a galaxy right behind their eyes.

It’s easy to see the wonder in a baby’s eyes, because those little crazies will stare right into your soul and in that moment, you know. There’s a pause because the wonder of that little baby is so infinite. It exists beyond so much more than that moment itself. You can stare and you can see. It’s in every adult too.

It’s in all of us. When you really look, you can see. See the galaxy in them.

There’s a galaxy in you too. I think once you realize the vastness of not only just the human body, but the human mind, and then to even try and grasp the vastness of spirit is far too grand for words to express. Once you start to though, to see the wonder in every breath, in every movement, feel the gravity of every word, you’ll start to see the intention of everything all around you.

You’ll start to see the galaxy.

Imagine a place where every single thing you imagine can be real?

Guess what? That’s the truth! Your mind can imagine ANYTHING! Where you allow your mind to settle determines what you think and feel. That is your experience. You determine your experience constantly, every moment. Every negative emotion is your choice. Every positive thought is a choice too. It may not seem like it always, but that’s only because we see ourselves as these small, little beings. And physically, that may be true.

Infinitely true though, is spirit, is what is living inside of us. If we could see the vastness of us beings in every single moment, we wouldn’t get lost in another negative thought, because we’d know how much has been put into every single moment in front of us. We couldn’t get lost in thought, because we’d see how important, how every action, every word mattered so very much. There are two ways to live in this world.

One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ― Albert Einstein